Title: Physical Modeling of Material Flows in Cyber-Physical Production Systems


Name: M.Sc. Moritz Friedrich Glatt


Phone: 0631 – 205 - 4068


Project description:


Starting situation

In cyber-physical production systems (CPPS), customized products are manufactured. This can lead to a high variance of the physical properties of the work pieces in a production system. Through decentralized control and intelligent routing, work pieces are guided through the production system on individual paths. In combination with the high variance of products and their properties, this results in an increased complexity of the material flows.

This complexity can entail disturbances in the material flow that are caused by the physical interaction of the transported products. For example, a part tipping over on a braking transport vehicle (see Fig.1) can result in delays or even destroyed products. Traditional material flow simulations cannot predict these types of disturbances, since they do not include the physical behavior of the material flow.




The approach is to simulate the physical behavior of objects in the material flow. As a first step, relevant physical phenomena that influence the material flow in CPPS have to be identified. Furthermore, a suitable method to simulate physical behavior efficiently has to be chosen. Eventually, the described physical simulation model can be combined with a traditional material flow simulation.


Expected Results

The expected result of the approach is a simulation method, that is able to predict physically induced disturbances in the material flow. The results of this method can be used to optimize the material flow in CPPS in order to reduce disturbances and lead times.